For those with Splunk Universal Forwarders on out-of-support OS systems . . . time to step it up. If you need a hand let me know.
From Splunk: "Starting with Splunk Enterprise 9.4 and Universal Forwarder 9.4, Support Services will not support any Universal Forwarder deployed on an operating system that is no longer under mainstream support by its vendor."
Out-of-support systems pose a major security risk as they no longer receive security patching updates, meaning, if there is a vulnerability then there is a way in for an attacker. This is why patching is essential (even if it is somewhat understated because it is not a shiny vendor product 😁 )
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Why not take the opportunity of the Christmas slow-down to 'get your house in order'. Our team stand ready to help - we love what we do so much that we never take holidays, never sleep and just produce stellar Splunk and Security outcomes 😀 😜
Please feel free to reach out to the Team Small Robot if you require Splunk assistance of any sort. We have a team of highly qualified and experienced Splunk experts. Our specialty, and unique differentiator is producing business value form your Splunk investment - quality use cases, real insights and outcomes to drive business resilience and success.
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