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Small Robot provides the solutions, implementation, management, monitoring and support to ensure your business achieves the optimal value from the solutions we provide.
Cisco security solutions by Small Robot protect your business end-to-end with full-spectrum solutions that work together to provide true defence in depth.
Solutions cover identity & access, internet protection, networking and connectivity, communications, endpoint, data loss prevention and global leading threat intelligence to protect against even the most advanced threats.
Splunk by Small Robot becomes a powerful data engine to produce insights that drives business decisions, a security SIEM/SOAR that detects and responds to threats rapidly, and a x-business platform that brings together business teams, security, IT and OT. Whether 1Gb/day or 25TB/day we have you covered.
CrowdStrike Falcon has long been a leader in the Endpoint EDR domain, Enhanced Detection & Response. CrowdStrike have extended the capabilities to provide industry-leading advanced AI augmented cloud, identity and data loss prevention, XDR and a full SIEM capability to power a modern SOC.
IoT/OT have become the newest target for attackers seeking to cause harm or disruption. IoT/OT devices are becoming increasingly prevalent and pose a serious risk to business.
Phosphorus provides them means to discover, interrogate, secure and manage all of the IoT/IT devices on your network - no matter how large.
Can you currently detect websites imitating your business and defrauding your customers of the identities, money and sensitive data?
Memcyco provide impersonation & fraud protection that is leveraged by many international banks, airlines, fintech’s and companies to detect and protect their customers, and business, from fraud via websites and account takeovers.
Cisco Webex by Small Robot provides your business with secure, AI driven advanced communications, integrating chat, Spaces to collaborate and share, as well as phone services and call handling that are accessible from anywhere. Never miss a call or lose a customer with visual call queues and advanced custom call handling with CRM integration.
DomainTools by Small Robot provides security and fraud teams with essential website domain intelligence to detect and reveal threat actors and attacker infrastructure. With domain information spanning over 12 years of info covering: domain ownership, Whois records, hosting data, screenshots and DNS records.
Brand protection proactively monitors for replicas of websites to pre-emptively prevent phishing and fraud attempts.